Stage Financial

At Retirement-Long Term Care


Provides You with a safe and comfortable retirement.

Ensuring that you have a safe and comfortable retirement, whether in their own home or care home.

Creating financial safety nets in place for health issues that might affect you in later life. Through informed financial planning, you can prepare for a happier retirement in case of ill health.

Stage Financial’s Howard Morgan’s platinum standard financial expertise and personal approach are perfectly suited to this sensitive subject.

What does Long Term Care Mean?

Long-term care is a financial arrangement and provision that you can put in place, in case of ill health in later life. It could be additional support in the home and/or moving into a care home if you can longer manage in your own home. It is a complex area and financial planning could include life insurance, pensions, equity release.

There are also specific products that take capital and turn it into tax efficient secure income to pay for care home fees. This can make your money work against inflation or tax drag, so it can be used for paying care fees and potentially leave a legacy to loved ones if all capital is not utilised.

How does it work, am I eligible?

Anyone can set up the necessary financial planning for long term care planning. You don’t necessarily have to be someone who is worrying that they might be losing the mental and physical agility.

However, if you are finding it difficult to move around, cook, clean and look after oneself without assistance or a carer, you could be eligible to specific products that can make your money work best for you to contribute towards care.

Benefits to me in retirement

The main benefit is actually non-financial – peace of mind. Financially speaking, this form of planning protects against the cost of care rising above inflation and could leave a legacy for beneficiaries.

Factors to consider

The cost of care will vary depending on whether you need care in your own home, a residential care home, or a nursing home. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to pay for long-term care, so planning ahead will provide you with more options.

This is a complex subject, with many factors to consider, so speak to Stage Financial to ensure you get specific and personalised advice. 

Let's Talk!

If you are looking for financial peace of mind in your later years and want clear, easy to understand platinum standard advice, get in touch for a one-to-one discussion.


  • The value of pensions and investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. Therefore, you may get back less than you invested. 
  • Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.
  • The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate advice on estate planning and some forms of taxation.

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